SAP Test Automation

Macroserv Techno Solutions test automation frameworks use well-defined strategies. This involves automating, manual test cases and their execution, Test data seeding/preparation, Setting up preconditions Verification – Actual Vs Expected results, Logging Defect against unexpected behavior,Test reporting features. Macroserv Techno Solutions builds reliable, receatable, comprehensive, fast and reusable test automation suites, reduce test cycle times in agile way and reduce cost and efforts with minimal test automation tools. Macroserv Techno Solutions's innovative consultants strive to find new test tools and strategies to design,develop and execute all our client's business processes.

Case Study 1
E2E test automation - SAP TAO and UFT Hybrid Framework

Electric Utility company

Business Challenge
The customer, needed to enhance their SAP TAO functionality and needed assistance in handling their SAP portal and legacy business applications. Inability of SAP TAO to handle SAP Portal and legacy applications Integrated reporting in QC for an automated test run with a mix of SAP TAO and Macroserv Techno Solutions'S SAP test automation framework components

Enhanced the customer’s SAP TAO capabilities by integrating it with Macroserv Techno Solutions's SAP test automation framework Integrated SolMan with QC for import / export of requirements, test cases and test results Enhanced QC reporting.

Business Impact
Seamless automation of test processes requiring navigation from Legacy application to SAP portal to ECC GUI Integration of the automated solution with SAP SolMan and HP QC for effective test management with sox compliance Report generation and publish.